This guide is for the Minum Archery Simulator 1.0, our original DIY version. While it can still be built with parts sourced from numerous other vendors, we now offer our Minum Archery Simulator 2.1! It is a complete redesign for better performance, ease of use, and portability.

Build Guide: Before You Begin the Build

Two Things Before You Begin

Archery Safety Rules Still Apply

Even though MinumOS will bring a video game like quality to your shooting range, be sure to remember all standard shooting safety practices.  There is a screen larger than most targets (more of a backstop really), and you are using blunt arrows instead of pointed, but that doesn't mean that you are ever in any way safe to shoot with other people in front of the shooting line.  Also, when fully set up, it can feel like you are shooting into an enclosed structure (especially when using a popup tent), but this does not mean you can set up in a smaller area.  You should ensure you have a shooting lane that is long enough to still have the standard distance beyond the target in case of misses or pass-through, or set up in a truly enclosed/indoor space with suitable backstop beyond the screen to stop any arrows. In short, make sure you have the space for a standard shooting lane before you begin this build. Failure to take this into account could cause injury or even be lethal.

These plans and the MinumOS software are provided "as-is", without warranty, and disclaiming liability for damages or injury resulting from their use.  Please use common sense and review these general archery safety rules.


Download MinumOS Before You Build

The software is available as a free download with a limited set of included modules.  Before you invest in the time and materials required for this build, we recommend downloading the software to get a feel for it and to ensure it runs smoothly on your computer.  You can get a copy of MinumOS from our download page.


Previous: Introduction  |  Next: Bill Of Materials
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